Comic.Life.for.Windows-v1.3.5.Inc.Patch-Res Crack !!BETTER!!
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Andy's Action Defender (4am crack). This is now the 'final' version. I had tried a previous 4am crack and it didn't seem to have the same 'fatality' when copying it over from ProDOS 8 to ProDOS 8.5. I also tried installing the version from the 32 meg volume in a folder of the same name, and it didn't crash on me. I then combined the contents from both disks into a directory of the same name and it seemed to much for that. Crash and burn! Anyways, installing Andy's Action Defender is a little tricky - it's in an archive so you need to extract it to the directory that the installer resides in (which is the ProDOS 8.5 directory).
Andy's Touch Runner (4am crack). This is the final version. I had tried a previous 4am crack and it didn't seem to have the same 'fatality' when copying it over from ProDOS 8 to ProDOS 8.5. I also tried installing the version from the 32 meg volume in a folder of the same name, and it didn't crash on me. I then combined the contents from both disks into a directory of the same name and it seemed to much for that. Crash and burn! Andy's Touch Runner requires the creation of a folder (on the disk) for the 'program' to reside in, and I couldn't find where this folder was in the program itself. This was due to the developer not making this folder - so I made it manually for him. Anyways, installing Andy's Touch Runner is a little tricky - it's in an archive so you need to extract it to the directory that the installer resides in (which is the ProDOS 8.5 directory). 827ec27edc