Download NEW! Direct3D Overrider
Download Direct3D Overrider :::
The Direct3D 11.1 architecture is designed to have a common set of APIs for all the platforms that support Direct3D 11.1. Therefore, the programming model for D3D11 was designed to be independent of the output API. This means that D3D11 API can be used for both Direct3D 11, DirectDraw 11, OpenGL, and other output APIs such as Metal, and on Windows, it can be used in conjunction with D3D11_RenderTargetView.
The Direct3D 11.1 API Guide is a work in progress and not to be considered an official API specification. Microsoft is encouraging developers to check the DirectX 11.1 SDK to compare features and documentation with the Direct3D 11.1 API Guide.
The Direct3D 11.1 API also provides application programming interfaces to manage UAVs. UAVs can be used to provide more efficient rendering and when used in conjunction with the DirectX Mesh and Geometry subsets, can be used to improve the speed and quality of the rendering.
The main goal of the DirectX 11.1 technology is to make programming for the graphics API more efficient, while adding features that make it easier to create high performance, graphics-intensive applications. The feature set of DirectX 11.1 is broad, and includes many new capabilities that were introduced in DirectX 11. New Direct3D 11.1 APIs include:
The Direct3D update is enabled for games which are configured to use the Direct3D render API. Direct3D render passes are not enabled for games which are not configured to use the Direct3D render API. In DirectX 11 and later, all Direct3D version 11.x games are automatically updated to use Direct3D render passes. In DirectX 9.0c, some Direct3D 9.0c games may be updated to use Direct3D render passes.
Direct3D 10.x games are automatically updated to use Direct3D 11.x features. The following table shows which Direct3D 11.x features are supported on which Direct3D 10.x and Direct3D 9.x games. If you are unsure whether or not a game supports a given feature, it's best to assume that it does not, or that it's not likely to support it. If a feature is supported on Direct3D 9.x games but not on Direct3D 10.x games, it is assumed that the Direct3D 10.x version is the current version.
If that's the case, you can disable this feature by setting the DISABLEUAVRANGECHANGE environment variable to 1. Note that setting this variable will also disable the Direct3D update feature, unless the variable is removed.
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