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Today is Wednesday December 20, 2018. This is the curse of procrastination. The day that you and your New Year Resolution starts is the day you die. Procrastination is a natural, genetically conditioned and common human condition. You were cursed at birth with an uncontrollable urge to put things off and the process never ends. You should never be too late to pay your last bill or to get your credit card statement and debt is your birth right. You were also born with a natural instinct to never procrastinate and at times you might be caught and accused of being a lazybones. You will also feel belligerent and irrationally defensive if someone try to force you to do something immediately like paying the utility bill or take a trip. Your wife or husband might be so annoyed at you when you failed miserably to meet their deadline that they would want to divorce you. And if you are really busy napping, you might not even pay attention to the ticking clock. Eventualy, you will get sick and die to be buried as a loser. It is a simple sad fact of life.
If you are a procrastinator, you have to get rid of that bad habit but it is very difficult to overcome it. Most people have no idea how to overcome procrastination and always believe it to be an indolent condition that is a part of life and carries no adverse health effects. Procrastination is the biggest reason for failure in life. Procrastination is something that has robbed many people from achieving high levels of success in life and it also has destroyed the careers of many brilliant people. So, it is not only a curse but also a dangerous disease which needs quick and effective treatment.
Your tendency to put off things starts with feeling inferior or inadequate and develop a fear of failure. The transition from not having enough power to have more power and realizing that you are achieving more than you think you can is the most decisive factor in someone getting out of the condition of not having enough power. Without achievement, you won't feel good; when you achieve more than you think you can, you feel much more positive and confident. In other words, you feel good when you achieve more than you can. This is the key to overcoming procrastination. The first condition to achieving more is to stop thinking of yourself as a failure but start seeing yourself as a winner. d2c66b5586