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While the government did not control the content of the media, it did occasionally attempt to influence it. The FCC required stations to identify themselves when they broadcast; this served to discourage CRI from operating radio stations without licenses. The FCC also allowed stations to broadcast only during certain hours and not others, in order to protect the attention of listeners. The government used these licensing requirements to influence the content of the media. The FCC also used the licensing requirement to influence the number of CRI radio stations by allowing the FCC to eliminate stations if the number of stations exceeded a certain number.
The government exercised control over other media as well. The FCC required radio stations to identify themselves when they broadcast; this served to discourage CRI from operating radio stations without licenses. The FCC also allowed stations to broadcast only during certain hours and not others, in order to protect the attention of listeners. The government used these licensing requirements to influence the content of the media. The FCC also used the licensing requirement to influence the number of CRI radio stations by allowing the FCC to eliminate stations if the number of stations exceeded a certain number.
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