Life After Death Book By Mary T Browne Free Download
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I have heard it said, that when somebody asked a Greeksaid he expected neither body, nor soul, nor anything;Socrates, in reprehension of the impious man, replied, thatof all the things he did expect, that was least; and hewas justified in it;
All means of death were solemnly provided in detail:they were not disposed with the face turned on theearth; the dissection of the dead was not performed inthe face of all; they were not carried out feet first;their bowels were not plunged out to profane theirsouls; nor was the form of mummifying observed inthem, all which were common; but they were exposed withtheir faces upward, which they would have; theirskin laid upon the earth, with their best attire on them, theirfeet bare; covered with robes of their friends andfamiliars, and their names inscribed on their arms.And then Pilate was at leisure to see what moreeffect he could invent, and Antonius to jest; butthe Roman people bethought themselves on their affairs,as their ancestors had done after the decease ofHannibal.[LXIV.] It is remarkable to see what accidents mayfrom a trivial matter, and how expertly people mayinvent a story to suit their wills, which truly oughtto be known by stories, but all the stories in theworld, even those of Aristotle, had not a stop to themin poetry; nor is it less seen in histories, how diverslittle occasion a man may take of a horrible story togather a fine grain of profitable learning to hischildhood, and literally to converting himself; which godlyends, without doubt, are to be commendable.
And forasmuch as Paulus spoke of vindicativedeath, being a most unusual and very great allusion, asI shall presently touch; the truth of which I cannotconjure a man to doubt, an argument of ignorant people,that can quote such a passage at random and in theirears, or without meaning, and no more than cite such apassage of some one else.
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