Offline Update
I am now working on the old version EAV 7, the signature update is working fine and I am updating the signatures but I cannot update the isolaterecords anymore - I get an error telling me that the signature was already defined - but when I look into the database, it says that the signatures were not defined (!!) I think that I will have to reinstall it from scratch to have it working again...anyone could help me?
During the last 5 years, I only once have to use a new version of EAV, and I remember that it was a copy of the old version of EAV 8 that Eset shipped with its latest update of Eset Forum version.
Please note that the contigs are not automatically updated even if they were processed - this must be done manually. The sequences should then be checked against the original designations and the metadata displayed for each contig using the same script or using the sequence display within the sequence viewer.
It is worth noting that for each contig, the script will create a newline-separated file so you will need torun the script multiple times, each time using a different contig. If youare only interested in processing a few contigs, this should be enough. Ifyou want to process a large number of contigs, it can take a long time so thebest option is to do this offline.
To update the signature you have to go to FACTORY/EAV/Utils, then, in one of the modules, select the signature you want to update. In the advanced parameters tab you will find the fields that are updated with your new settings.
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