Refx Nexus V1.4.1 (Mac OSX) =LINK=
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1. Install reFX Nexus v1.4.1, is established. 2. Create a folder reFX on the way HD / library / application support / (if someone created automatically after installation, skip this paragraph, I just have it was not).3. Open the DAW, launching Nexus, he asks for a file 0TestTone, do not do anything close DAW.4. Mount the Nexus Content and move their entire folder created in step 2.5. Again open the DAW, launching Nexus, requesting a file 0TestTone show him the way to HD / library / application support / reFX / nexus content/samples/ROM/0testtone.nxs.6. Mount the Official Banks, in the Nexus click on the button sys, then import exp and alternately podgruzhaem banks of the image Official Banks (what if suddenly will give an error while loading, copy them to a thread on a hard, any place and then add the copied after the installation, you can delete, Nexus itself has put them where necessary).7. Once downloaded all banks, not where you do not have to stick just close DAW.8. Install reFX Expansion Packs (contained in the image), run the installer and the third screen click Change installation location and specify HD / library / application support / reFX / nexus content / Presets. All. Skins add just a sys (only patch Nitsche not necessary). 153554b96e