Rust Never Sleeps Neil Young Rar
Rust Never Sleeps Neil Young Rar >>>
Top 10 Neil Young News Posts | Thrasher's WheatMore Comments on Hot Topics50 Reasons Why Neil Young's Music MattersRust@yahooRusties On Facebook#RustiesNeverSleep(Make Rust Great Again! #MRGA)ALREADY GREATNeil sang yesterday...Tweets by @neilyounglyrics!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+"://";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs");
Show Me A Sign "Who is John Galt?" To ask the question is to know the answer "Whosoever shall give up his liberty for a temporary security deserves neither liberty nor safety."~~ Benjamin Franklin Words (Between the lines of age)And in the end, the love you takeIs equal to the love you make~~ John & Paulthe zen of neil the power of rust the karma of the wheat ~Om-Shanti. Namaste
Official Release Series - Discs 8.5 - 12Neil Young's Official Release Series - Discs 8.5-12 (Box Set) will be released on November 25th.Young's "Official Release Series" continues with the next set of chronological titles to include: Long May You Run (The Stills-Young Band - 1976), American Stars 'N Bars (1977), Comes A Time (1978), Rust Never Sleeps (1979), and Live Rust (1979). Each title has been remastered from the original analog recordings by Bernie Grundman Mastering and pressed on 180 gram Audiophile black vinyl.No word on the gap between 8 and 8.5. Previous ORS releases:Official Release Series Discs 5-8: Time Fades Away, On The Beach, Tonight's The Night and ZumaOfficial Release Series Discs 1-4: Neil Young, Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere, After The Gold Rush and Harvest.Labels: neil young, vinyl
The embrace of CD as the chosen physical format for Neil Young Archives, Vol. II is an acknowledgment that fulfills Neil's grandest archival visions, but that also has the ripple effect of making the Vol. II tighter and far more listenable than its predecessor. It also helps that Vol. II covers a period of time everybody knows is Young's creative peak: the mid-'70s, when he released four albums, scrapped another at the last minute, then wrote enough songs to propel him into the 1980s. Real heads came to call this period the "Ditch Years" in a nod to his claim in the Decade liner notes that "'Heart of Gold' put me in the middle of the road. Traveling there soon became a bore so I headed for the ditch."
Young spent years obsessing over Archives, originally conceiving it in the late 1980s as something of a Decade II, then gradually coming to the belief it should contain nothing less than his entire story. As always, audio quality was a bit of a bugaboo. Dismayed by the sound of 1990s digital audio, Neil held out for something better, eventually embracing Blu-ray for its high video and audio resolution. This was state of the art in 2009 but eleven years later, the format feels antiquated thanks to the rise of streaming technology. Looking back, the original 2009 box Neil Young Archives, Vol. 1 feels tailored around the format of Blu-ray\u2014one of its discs was devoted to the film of Journey Through The Past\u2014but the long-awaited Neil Young Archives, Vol. II (1972-1976), which is now available to subscribers, isn't available as a Blu-Ray, or even a DVD, as Vol. I was. It's only available on CD, which will be accompanied by hi-res digital downloads. (I will always be amused that my advance download of the set arrived as a lowly 256-bit MP3, a number that's decidedly not Pono-friendly.)
The embrace of CD as the chosen physical format for Neil Young Archives, Vol. II is an acknowledgment that fulfills Neil's grandest archival visions, but that also has the ripple effect of making the Vol. II tighter and far more listenable than its predecessor. It also helps that Vol. II covers a period of time everybody knows is Young's creative peak: the mid-'70s, when he released four albums, scrapped another at the last minute, then wrote enough songs to propel him into the 1980s. Real heads came to call this period the \"Ditch Years\" in a nod to his claim in the Decade liner notes that \"'Heart of Gold' put me in the middle of the road. Traveling there soon became a bore so I headed for the ditch.\"
VFEi1E o THE SUN SUNDAY JUNE 2 t88nTWENTY PAGESiMIR WOMANS WORLDThe Opening of Summer in HerImportant DomainI INTERESTING FASHION NEWSWoman In Society Business andEven PoliticsA Monline Review or the Pretty BhopGlrlKThe FIr of YellowTerror ofthe Ruiilan Finger Howl A JToolUhTrick with Prettr OlrlThla Hair Bemoved In a Nlicht III Treatment orIllaacae Mnrcdtu bJ Her Bliter or thChorus An irtrsa Mpleador and HerJUodetlueonltencjr O rover ClevelandClerk Intercept a Fair Iuttk JLunatleTho boot place t view a pnrndo of NewYorks benuty Is at tho corner ot Broadway andFourteenth stroet and the best time to see It Isfrom 7 to 8 oclock In the morning Fifth avonuo Is cast Into tho shad by these brightfaced rodchookod laughing chattering girlswho mnko this locality brilliant with theircharm vory week day of tho year Who arethese boaiitlei They aro salesgirls sewingclrli dressmakers milliners bonnet trimmersand cashiers The early mills pedestrian Is notthe only appreciative spectator ot this enticingparade Tho clerks who open tho Broadwaystores fill tho doorways and windows the headbookkeeper turns as ho enters the store andRives an admiring Blanco at some particularlyattractive damsel early risers at the hotels find In the passing show feastsfor their bucolla vision tho man whostands at tho wine room door In questof his matutinal oooktatl finds tlmo to stop andI admire and even tho haughty hotel clerkdeigns to stroll over to tho window and bestowt a smile or two of lordly approbation uponmaiden who meets with hissomo merry approval fore are some of the Individual memobore or this delightful procession Four girlsround In form and pleasing plump of loss thanmedium height even for young womanhoodcomo from the east sldo below Grand streetTheir cheeks are rod as roses ever were theirrleyes aro sparkling bright and their teethwhich aro generously shown aro white andstrong They are typical roprnscntatlves otthe cast side girl far prettier than some I U ltrue but not too pretty to be exceptions to thernlo Thoy aro rather showily attired withmoro color In their hats and gowns than mostmor IOInswomen admire but on tho other hand mostwomen have no such figures and complexionsto wear such colors Their gait Is rapid vigorous and springy and health and gayety arewritten In every dlmplo ot their merry facesHero comes another croup They are fromtho west side up town Pretty Yes but of adifferent typo than wo have just seen Theyare moro soberly dressed and while their facesare bright they lick tho carnation tints oftheir moro southerly sisters They walk toowith longer stride as though trampingthrough tho wldo btrcots west of tho Park hadclvon them greater freedom ot actionI While we aro waiting for tho procession top slet lS Illnco nt this bevy 01 beauties difI fering radIcally fiom any who have gone before Thoy como from Harlem and were theyloss familiar with their surroundings theymight ho taken for residents of some breezyWestern city Why tho harlem girl should resemble a Chicago Cleveland or Buffalo girl Inappearance catrlnee and complexion wouldpuzzle a professional anthropologist but shodocs nevertheless I may bo that tho uncramped regions ot the Harlem Hirer areparticularly favorable to the growth ot suchgirls Whatever tho reason Is tho Harlemp gIrls havo a delightfully fresh and breezy airi and In the passing parade they create a sensation Thoy talk moro loudly walk with morea vigor and greater snood and with an evidentI Intention of reaching their destination withoutloiteringany unnecessary lolerlnsBesides those there are the freshfacedBrooklyn maidens demurely dressed the openeyed Wllllamshurch girls too much In a hurryto notice tho admiration thoy attract the palebut sweetfaced girls from the east side tenement district and frecklecheeked damselsfrom Hoboken and the Jersey Heights I Is ashow worth seeing Bo a spectator once ands e I you dont think so tooSociety has tho yellow favor Not the scourgebut an Insatiable taste for tho color The fancyhas been raging for some time and still thecry Is more Pulius are displayed In windowscorners and hallways and In nothing but 1r yellow jardluiero Is I tho beauty of color andfollnga so effectively brought out No cabinet IIs considered relieved without a bit ot yellow Iporcelain and a drop lamp or pedestal burnerof oranga chino with trimmings of blackenedI Iron Is I tho vury acme of artistic taste Thenthere Is tho kings blue candlestick with tho Icandle of glided yellow wax and how can you Iimagine I bunch of mignonette more poetic Ithan when displumed In a smooth bowl of undorelnzed yellow Theso crfto colorlsts whoare a law unto themselves go BO far as to wor Iship the marigold that molten thing ofbeauty which the florists woio obliged toforce and which brings as good returns us thoqueen of flowers the rose But think of putting yellow marigolds in a yellow bowl andthen say who dictates chromaticsI Finger bowls il la Jtusse are to bo found InBorne ot the most cosmopolitan dining roomsand the struggle with the costal basin andfloating mouth mug 1s something unforgetablehalf with clear water IB iTho bowl tilled wih Ii placedon tho usual dollycovered platter and in It is1 tiny glass containing a couple of spoonfuls ofpeppermint or wintergreen flavored water withwhich to rinse the mouth Now almost anypupil pet or protcgoof society can lave norlinger tips but the manipulation of the mouthgloss is a feat that only the dexterous can accomplish Tho only way to manage the mouthbath Is to choose a laugh nnd take and expelthe draught In an Instant Like kissing a shygirl the operation must bo done before 1 bodyknows It has begun and I you get caughtby oven 0 single pair of eyes swallow thoglass rather than offend tho taste A nativeHussion discussing the subject at an afternoon on etiquette In a Now York salon saidForeigners as n rule make disgusting workof tho mouth IISB The secret U i speed Witsimply empty the glass at a gulp and emptythe mouth behind the little glass and that isall there Is to I The Idea Is not to clean theteeth and gargle the throat as I have BeenAmericans do but simply to remove from themouth tho taste of tbe fuod As a rulo the lastcourses are sweets which cloy the taste Nowa sip of anything spicy or acid will bo refreshing and I onu cant use a gill of water withoutdisgusting those about him ho can eat 0lozenge of mint or vvlntorbeny or better stillI CO oft with tho taste In his mouthA single object lesson is better than 1 termof theory and from the lovely Princess MarthaEngalltcboff of Moscow society students havemastered the Itusslan finger bowls and nowafter hours of secret practice these progrestivo matrons und maids juggle with the mouth Iclass linger basin and dolly as daintily ast they do with Ititcd china and tho brushes andteupots iibout I biimovaPertinent to things lluselan it may be edifying to some of tho students thereof to tinythat the common everyday tea procured atthe corner grocery will not sume for tea A JoHunt You must eat near tho heart of an importer or get an order to 0 tit Petersburc oran Odessa tea merchant for suppliesOne of the best things the 400 have cot holdof in a lone while Is a story about a beautifullittle girl from the West who has been goingabout here with great success for a few weeksBeing by far the loveliest creature in nightwhsreverihe moves her eccentricity ot dress orof manner has not detracted from h or populartriumph and I Imagine sho has hadmoro firstrate proposals than any homogrown bud ottho Reason The story told ot her Is a true oneA playful young man had given to her by herown request some Information concerning thelatest points in social metropolitan etiquette0 matter upon which sho frankly confessedpractical Ignorance Tho young man in mentioning certain manners observed at table laid Iparticular stress tho statement that ipnrtcular stoss on stltomont everyone of refinement hero invariably used I forkInstead of a spoon for online 0 course Miahad heard online Ico cioam with a fork butwhen tho young man assured her that thelatest Indication of good manners wasloolthe eating of soup with n fork she wasoatnl wihBllKhtly staler I and cared nt her Informant with wideeyed wondor That evenIll she attended a dinner pnrty Vthen the Itartrsoup wns brought she looked doubtfullyaround tho table The young man who hadtold her about the use of tho fork nodded reassuringly at her and began dipping up his soupwith his own fork to Hhow her that It was ontlrelr correct Hho accordingly trlod to cdnyhim but the result made her hesitate hgalnOlnnclnic about she saw that pvory ono clue atthe taljlo was using n SOOn tlt She Immediatelydiopped her fork bluxlied ns rod as n 1 roseand proceeded to eat her soup In tho customary way bho wouldnt look at the voting lanagain nnd It Is saId that ihe cuts him persistontlr but It was such 1 good story that itcouldnt bo kept nnd now every ono Is smilingover I Hut it has rather Increased tho prestige of tho young lady nnd halo hoard manya mnn say that n girl so simple and confidingWould bo n prize In tho o days when girls prlduthemselves upon being able to learn nothingHowelor this may bo the maiden will not return homo as free ni she eiuno and It Is theyoung man who cheated her about the forkwho will keep hor Innocent heart Site cuthim nltur his awful Joko but decided to keepthe piecesAnother story that Is causing amusement Inthe circles ol the Astoru and Vandet bills Is ofa young gtintlotnnii who Is favored nt this moment with a large amount of money and 1 decidedly small amount ol haircldedl he said that Is a good growth ot hairbut I Is stuck on with gumStruck aback tho writer asked him for anexplanation That Is a toupee ho said and I am wearIng It because tho hair has boon bUrned all offtho top oi my heldlie then drew 1 receipted doctors bill fromLH pocket < I was close 10 1OUU In amountIbat ho said U all for a nln attempt toBpcuro some now hair 1 have boon throughwhat ntiout half tho men In New York gothrough sooner or Inter Every ono seems tobo growing bald nowadayo Something In theatmosphere must nuso It lout you noticehow hairrestoring shops are springing up allover town Wall I would nt take any stock innostrums but went to a regular hair doctorI cost me just that thous md dollars and Itdidnt do me one bit of good Inally I tookthe advice of a young bolo with perfect goldenhair to co to an old Indian herb doctor who10 Jmlnn doetorhwhosilo assured mo preserved her hair when Itwas last falling out I could want no betterproof than bur head provided BO off to tho Indian went I Ho mixed mo up a liquid and directed mo to apply It when I retired at nlubt Idid so Luckily I lubbed It only over tho topof my head where tho hair was thin The nextmorning 1 found what Illtlo hair I had gloriedIn sprinkled ovor my pillow Jumping up Igazed at myself In tho mirror I ivus ns a das n white crockery door knob Now I wear atoupee My hair U I growing In u little Itsthick than I was before Win It Iota back ton point no my friends wont howl ut mo when Iheave Insight I will dispense with tho toupeeAuthor Fred Mnrsdon died only about a yearago Headers of the news cannot have forgotten how his daughter Blunchu was connectedwith his suicide and how for WillIe niterward bile iigurod nsnsorloi omlc vocalist athosier V Dials concert canton Thou the disappeared from celebrity but lot from public 1sight and hearing for she wus employed underanother name as I singer In comb OIHTIWnon rehearsals wore begun for I hn Brleands n tho Casino I tall shapely and handsome young woman appeared In the ruuks ofthe chorus I was lot until after tho production of the piece that her companionslearned that she was Blanche Mnrsdon They took It into their giddyheads to slight and snub Blanche not ut allbecause sho had llgurcd eadly In the tragedyof her lathers death hit because sho had sunga Hosier A Blnls They did not satisfy themselves with keeping abut from tier but tauntedand Insulted her contantly Even In tho spectacular mumiuvies when the cuttnln was upthey habitually Insulted her In undertonesOne night shu wns dlstrncted by this treatment and upon the fall of tho curtain fell In 1tnlnllne lit Thereupon ono of tho goodnatured prima donnas ascertained the cause otBlanches collapse championed her cause andforced a decent treatment herThe actresses are constantly surprising uswith costumes Marie Janon has just doneI In The Oolnh at tho Broadway Thetro After llgurlng In tho opera In tho gulso ofa boy for two acts she emerges In a femininedress which well It Is a surprise Now whodo you suppose designed It I A man Hamilton Bell lie Is tin artist and actor I was hewho drew the models for Mra Potters astounding Cleopatra robes Miss Janen wasdetermined to outdo nil rivals up to date Uhewas not sotlstlod with the sketches Importedfor the opera Irani Paris and London Thecas was laid before Bell Ho ascertained thontresaoss views us to color Amber saidlso Jansen He malls n rough sketch on nnenvelope to explain his description binge IMunneer Barker was consulted By the nextmorn Ing the design was In acostumers hands Iand within 1 week It was nSRsthl lss Jnnsonto shock and dazzle public spoctntois DazzleIs I good word for the purpose as the garmentIn question appears at first Blanco to be onoglittering mass of mock jovoK After thofirst bewilderment we purcoho that Mica Jancell near vory Hunt muslin trousers confinedat the ankles bydinmond iinklets and n manypleated skirt of tuft ainuor Persian Bilk ThisI bound around tho hips by n scarf or Bash ofgorgeous oriental brocade In which thu samegolden hue predominates 1 ho islol hle vrdorllles lhe pattern omphasled with jonelsliichnre town with lavishpiofiiHion l all over I Tho ends ailing In frontaro frlneed heavily with jewels and strings otdiamond dropping tram JOWe loner bolderthu hnsh lurk and glitter among tho folds ofthe tklrt with the Hiiavo movements of thograceful dancer A loose soft shirt of silkgnuo and a short Hleovol ss Oriental jacket ofthe same brocade us tho sabh and like itblazing with jewels complete the costumeThe head of tho wearer Is crowned by a daintylittle cup of nprkotcolorod plush which Isalmost hidden by the diamonds and pearlsv 1th which It Is encrusted But it Is I not whatcovers her so much as tho uncovering that IsremarkableMay 1 como In an assistant stage manacer Is reported to have asUod tapping nt MissJansens dressing room door between netsComo U nit I second the cried and then addedHe entered to deliver himself of an errandShu Silt fully arrayed In the dro n describedjust ns she had uppoared beiom 1 thousandspectator except that for the 0105 of nnu manIn ordinal business Intorcourso sho had hastily wound u scarf around hoiBolfA youne lady whom I is not essential tonamo walks unnoticed In Broadway except Inthe way of admiration < tot sho isu prott youngwoman nnd wears fashionable clothes Butlutshe is u lunatic all the sumo awl Is always accompanied10companied by I robust nilddloneod womanwho omblnes i tho duties of a chaperon not anurse hhe Is from 1ugland and belongs to afamily with money enuuei to Indulce her fancies hue Is a miinninnnmc with only ono delusion at 1 lImo uul that usually of n harmlessnut ttuitt kind Just now she believes thlt t sheIs Amelio IcivoB and an accuto nufToror fromtho general undemiuuluii of bur books inher visit to this country she H i not only accompanied by thu woman mentioned hut liyii mulerelative Sovoinl dnys ago thu went to the lawoffice 01 Orllel Cleveland bho told the dorkwho ncounteiet bar that him wished to secure Mr Cleveland us counsel She Informedhim that sho vvn > Amelia Hives lormelliterary critics of the puusiwpcrs had assailedtho morality of hor works unit that she desiredto bring lawsuits lot damages Desirous anco nud immediately two young menjumped up andiproffered her their seats Thegirl sat down and bowed hor thanks to boththo gallants There was one Beat halt butneither of the two young men seemed Inclinedneiherto take It Ono looked at the other and theother looked at tile t one and each Bcemed tosay Wont you take It n Hut neither did8Yh on two elderly moo each of whom byhis gray hair board and bent frame w us mOlethan 00 years old cam upon the car nt thenext crossing Each of those eldeily gentlemen looked at tho other and each mumDad something about taking tho seat Iplain that each man was only toowan vary thn oah IaiwlllLe to consider that the other was olderthan himself nfl In their struggle for adecision its to Juniority wanted the ono conlecllon 11nldered to bo the elder to havo the BdvuntnaaBltered vacant place The trouble was thatboth were of tho same mind The coneowilling to nonuenco wa that neither wasknowledge hoforotho Interested people lookingkaOlodoon that be hlrasolf wn entitled to tho sent anaought to take it The noting las kept upfor 1 number of minutes The two youngmen nnd tho two old men ouch onetlO Iunof whom would have been aWfUlly glad Ito hnvo nat down remained standing and nilhlvotho people looked on and gradually their faceswere wrinkled with unuttered laughterWlrf climax came when after two blocksbad been traversed R fat old woman lumberedaboard anti though nho was largo enough tonld thollhn sent and a hall satieered herself Intooccupy aUlt OIU hal 1lllOe1e < horsoltho single since Tho somewhat pretty youngwoman who hud boon tho beneficiary ot theIIIIKnllnmry of tho two young men hud when shetiNt came upon the rar told tho conductor tolet her off nt Thirtyfirst street But niter tholtponderous female had crushed herself Into thopent by her side tho young woman signalledtho conductor to lot her off at TwentysixthTUB GLASS 01 FASUIOXHome lretty and Mtyllnh GownsA torndon IValUInK HullThe high coiffure the high collar and tholongwatstod gown halo so long been Infashion that while there Is a revolt againstall three of thor they actually remain prominent features In the dress ot tho fashlonablowoman of the moment Even when tho corsage Is cut low In V or square or heart shapein front and finished ns It genornlly Is In thatcase with broad revers 1 falling pUssi or avery narrow fat ruchtng tho highnecked offoot Is preserved by guimpes with a high cottar sometimes actually 1 shirt front and collarjust liken mans and sometimes a necklet of Iribbon bond embroidery velvet or jewelswhich encircles tho thront above tho top of thoculmpo or tho crossed folds of the kerchiefIhsi WI 1IF < iI tI I I If Y i1a CIIThe picture above Is a facslmtlo of the dressesot two girls that I saw lesterday on Arlingtonavenue In gay little Chance Orange girls dressso correctly and as a rule so well that It isnot surprising to hear them accused of givingtheir whole minds to the subject But I amsurethey do not give It hal so much thoughtas do the Ion of Tuxodo Patk At any ratethe Orange belles do not Indulge In tho brightcolors affected by tho Tuxedo beaux One ofthose girls the ono represented on tho loft oftl o picture wore gown of black llshnet laceover n slip nod corsage of lustrous gray mohairwith I tInge of pink In It Her hat and parasol Imatched her costume to perfection Her fulluadcrwalst was of delicate rosecolored Chinasilk Her high collar of pink velvet The bigbutton at her throat wus n huge pink amethystsot In an old silver rlnTho other girl was gowned In Dale buff foulard figured In Held daisies white flowersblack centres and green stems and leavesHer waistcoat was ot plain buff foulard Thodeep turnedover collar nnd rovers of horjacket tho culls and pocket straps wore nfornncocolored velvet braided with black andgold Her shirt front and collar was a duplicate of tho ono worn by the young man whoaccompanied these girls and whose picturewas omitted by TiE SUNS artist Tho hat oftho ctrl on the loft was a big Leghorn flat thounlined brim of which was turned up In thofront and caught up also In the back by twobridles of tho green ribbon that formed thobig bow on the front of the crown The heavybroad ostrich feather was pale yellow Theyoung man who walked with those girls wasbrilliant In n tennis suit of white trousersblack and orange striped cap and blazer ablaok Gordon sash no waistcoat and n blueand white striped shirt front collar and cultsHis colors quite eclipsed those of tho girls Ithink ho wits a Tuxodo mil but ho wore thocolors of an Orange club4Now here aro throo more Orange girls thatI met at u reception or afternoon tea at thocottage of Mrs Frank French the wife of theartist I will not describe their gowns In dctail The plctuio tells the story IOWOS waistsof the gowns are not short the neckH urn lowIn front but around salt hIgh In thf IhroatIs seen n necklet that gives tho effect 01 n hlulicollar The hem h I arranged 1 In I style that Isa compromise between tho high and low coilfure nnd tho variety Is charming 11 No womancan complain that the style of hair dressing uttho moment U unbecoming to her fir I Isjuried nt pleasure to suit ant style 01 head orface Tho gowns ot one of these girl Is oftmmsslme dc tliiffnn a new name for printedI oizandle or batlsto sheer an the Ilnest IndiaInest 1llamull It Is feau on tile girl on tho loft It IsJol II combined with taffeta silk In precisely thoname shade of baby bluo that is I theI Round nt tho figured momstlmr dA ihlffimIhe ervvn In tho runtra Is ol rosecoloredI Imtlctci Its ribbons and accessories nroJI ill t n slut ii I I itrlor thnn the I bntbte Tile I thirddress M of white I hlnn ullk with lever ciuVrtI neuklnt nnd hands ncro45 timeliest ot butterI cuii yellow velvut Ihojnuols In the hair arelianot seen In the Iloluro They were tiny pinsI of ellvei mid gild with heads of wfre turquoise pinkninoilustH nail umber to match respectivelythe Hue the pink nnd the white and yellowlowI gowns The sleeves the bodices tho geneialI outlines and thu details of those toiletsgive Bomo Idea ot the variety Inunity that Is preserved In the makeupmKkelJof afternoon gowns this season Thefashion lor such nra excessively prettynuoliit nnd original I f exctssholy any timinga oriulniillty nnvvadajm In dross hatuvorthcro In of originality Is certainly BIOWII moroshowlIn the mingling of old btylos than In tho creaton of actual new ones We have BucccoedodIn ciciitlngn I dross renaissance In this contonulal jour One that Is i certainly new COllenneldaring Introduction of the dress ideas of nilages and peoples modified ant brought downor up ns the case may be to the modern demand for the natural andnnurlllnd artistic In dressThe last ploturo In our artstc represents astylo of gonn and mantle vvhu h Iscumlne upIn London iheoKino am a revivalJIb mantle Is n longi plnln scarf of thuI i f snile soft 1011 fabrICtat composes thegown It In IInndI with soft silk of thiiI color of tho wool butInnlluleiMlorHlnuloIILluf J h ten t e u o y offashion In color thisseason U 1 to makethe gown and Itswrap the puinsolInn and hut nil otonu con r but 1rletyUelvonbycomhycrI ulonlining two or moronhades of tim I fumecolor For Instancethis London Irl Iwears a gown of painI dull bronze gteenjelling or challIsThe collar cuffsrevere and hem aroof darker bronzegreen silk BargeTho poirl Is lined11 with Ibis same silk or upon tho lace boot as It can be main totit moro snugly and Is moro comfortablethen agaIn the lacefronts permit of anyamount ot fantasticornamentation Theycome In tiny scallopsof patent leather withn brlehtcolorud eyeletIn tho centre or sometimes of ooo calftmosbound with fllk cordA striking example Isa lace walk In bootwhich has eoamlossvamps of patent leather and mitred out In neatopen work scallops and scrolls The tops arelilac 81do while the lace fronts ore of patentleather cut In trlauclcs and bound withornngocolorod silk cordFor n promenade shoo the Oxford tie loadstho race In this the soft velvety oozo calf Inwhich tho ladles delight figures ory largely Intho makeup of tasty cslgn Then too patent leather lends Its brightness and ndds uttrit thenefi to tho heretofore monotonous display Itrctvolessplay of kid nod dongoln While walking boots Ilast Oxford tlosnro mado ou commonsenso Oxrorl tosBtlll retain tho poiutol toes though not to the Iextreme of last season Tho general tendencyin all footgear is toward broad heels ofmedium height and Boles shnpod after thostyle of tho English waukenphnst LastBon ° on the English waukonidiust was verypopular said tho proprietor of a small shoostoro on Broadway and lor two reasons firstit wa English soconI they were cry comfortable But many objected to shoes after Ithis style becniiEO of the cry broad toeSNow I there Is anything in which the New IYork girls take bpocinl pride I is In her shapely Ifoot and tho liioad toes of the vvaukonpl Iprecluded their advantageous dlpl v Hutthey vvoio not lone in dlsunorine that ash n Iwould i n quite its 0 ICY to the foot It ibm toeswere mute nnrtovver and loiindin vvhllo thoI Bole retained the general shapoof the uaukithe phnst commonsene hence VTO have what is now known asIn nn Uxford tie a striking example has thovamp antI lllne of patent leather ornatu withopen work and tnncy stltchlne Tim I 1 I ItSare mousecolored suede while UP tho lacefrouts amid around thetops run patent leathertrimmings t I ol fntu ifuldesign 1or n lace 1silk ribbon of shade toJ suit the tasto of thowearer Is used Afterlacing It isunthorcd I Inlarlnl i Iathared nneat how and fastener with a tiny sliver claspThe heels are Louis XV tile toes pointed minieither tipped or plain 1 tipped leather btltchinc adds ornament and llnishShoes after I this I samo I stylo are also madofrom oozo calf RuMo or kid In colors nnd comblnatlonsol almost endless variety U houghtan rusot and gray mire most In demand I Ipurple or bright orange Is considered In good Itaste If In keeping with tho shade ot the dress Igoods Orange seems to have taken the plncu Iof black klit to wear with drosses of white orcream color whllu graY or lilac colored slmesaro worn with cocdsot black orBombroshndesA very attractive Oxfoid tIe has n vamp officrucoloreil oozo across whIch ala strips ofstrllsnarrow ribbon caidlnnl In color while thuuunrtors are garnet ooze Up tho laco frontsand around the top Is I anarrow strip of DOltleather This makesone of the most attractive and dainty cieatlons to bo Been In foottonsgear As though thiScolors already mentioned did not afford variety and attraction 1lace of mascot brown ribbon tied in I hucobow ndds Its blirrr elloct Of course such a iplioo as this Is mndo with lolmitlI 1 tees andLouis XV heels JIb Idea ol having narrow Iribbons stitched thu to Iacross vimp seoniHhalo caught tho tanit < of tim UI ml York gIrlfor these shoes are ull tho rune mind tlio dearones via with each other In I ruduclne that mostnot oh mill 1 almost urolosiuo c tO lii null usborne halo oven cone to tho cixtiornu of hiivingtlni ribbons 01 cold or silver und tho heels iglided or slivered to matchQuito as novel elTeits uro seen In sllppeis IIBIn I Oxford tIes In fact heio fashion has In Idulged In some of her most unique whims In I Inddition to nil the com Ibinations aiieady men I Itioned mo bows pom II omit ribbons lniul Ittim k and oven handpaint ne lending aid o 1I the Illke11 Of slippersI that lire clue and oruntoI i A very pretty slipper Ius I n amp of bluo oooI nndiiuartHifl i i of lie I sit nip hut thitrhui In I hi ltilitAiiosd the vamp Isnasty jdoolun worked withI I piiurl lends 111 JI t nb ivn which nets 1 whitoI ullk bow inudo withvvinsod I points Thullnlneis of undressed kid lie I heels Louis XV nudcoviMvd with hluA sat InOilier designs hnvogodor silver bendworklustro IO t Inor paintings In various patterns i III tho uiulloi 01 slippers tho commonene Ideahas not us yot wrought reformation for stillI bleb heels and pointedtoes aro this favoritesI In fact the pointed toylor sllpiors Is I beingi carried to tho same ox I Itrnmn I us vvu thx I rind I A Ii ton of tho English vvalU I II ing boot No cutoUt with n leako1 too U Is inow tho fad to I liuvo toilet I slippers I I Hie t toes uf Iwhich como to I 1 Chain point and turn t up In a I Isort of boak Such ns thesn mire ilehtly I numnd I ithe gondola toe They lire made In 000 calfIonI kid and < morocco lied nnd hionn mire tho 1 Ifavorite colors for IIio e of uioiucco vvhlloerny Is tlm obolin In OMO cull Ihome t pretty tennU shoos nro to bo had IThis summer oozo cull bus taken the placeof the common shoo cI1 last Benson Ihu til Ilos ana trimmings are of ooo cal tIlt grainsldii outward while thoMimp nnd tinnersnreof the Slum but tlio t fleshuh oru clued Hideout HeroI too Is much that is ornate In tlio way of pinklug ierfoi i mit lug timidhlfancy stitching nnd also the same variety inthom way of colors and striking cuinhliintioiiBbo groat Is the variety It IH hard to decide thopopular color though I tan amid rmsut seemto prediimlnnto Nile green Is n fuvorlin chubfor Ii I iii niings but t us the i e Is n di cldod tondonci towaid bright colors II tennis shot withpurple viimps nnd nunrtor nnd lil ighit orangeI trimiimimigs hi no longer considered 11 noveltyIV JL I U rJftIv JWUlUJITime NtrunBeCoucrlt ofn Itcctntl UtrcUTtdWoiuau or FashionInm Ihe VfhuUUrerI Como tip stairs unti I alicia Oti my roomI bus all been done over In tim neatest fashion11111 N i too svvoet fOI atm ytlil ii g said I 1 fashionublii vvidovr to our HWet ulil I I rep irterfile hiuidsoiiin leader of fnhlmi vvbn hudlien vvidoned lor I > ear or so Iml tlio t way ton large room i I tInt H cund floor Tho doorwns tlirovui open and thu reporter took onurOllorlrglImpse mini then slatted balk ihopluoaatllrst sieht looked like the Inside of a hoiiruI Its the latest English dont you know andto In keeping with my crepe gown 1 didntIlLs it I at llrst but I do not believe I couldtken In colors again bolevoThe room was furnished with a handsomesuite of white enamel and the bedamend andpillow shams were of black satin morvolllouxrmbrolderail in black satn applique withaJpIIUIshiver thiond the nionoxrnin of tile widow boIne worked in silver on the centre of bothspread and shams UI toilet table and littleescritoire were draped In the annie mannerand at the windows were thin curtains of blackliberty silk aaalnit white laceLook her end the prattr widow and atisthrow back tho bodcovers displaying sheetsof black silk hemstitched In white and blacksilk slips on the pillowI dress In blnok from top to toe Bho continued I wear black silk underclothes blacksatin corset nnd I black silk petticoat and Ieven halo mr gowns lined with black Myfriends tell mo they would sleep RB comforta ¬bly In n co 111 n ns In my bed but I thud It 1 delightful11 thiough llosos with the most realisticallyfresh 11 green leaves lIlac blooms that onlybees could toll from their natural prototypeslaburnum fashioned with tloUtT anti tintedwIth oiunl truth are the favorite ant In fortrimming those lust now 1 ho variety lien leBin this than In the curves git oil to tho brimTheso maybe almost endlessly varied In somoof the newest hits the brim comes down overtho forehead shading the ejes In othersIt Is raised high from the head by menusof a band of straw or velvet set bonenth and brlehtened with a bloom ortwo bearing afllultyto those on the crownThobiim is I pinched UD Into large folds according to tho fancy of the mllllnet Borne nroraided nt ono sldo and tat on the other Noariaucement seems too eccentric nnd sometints that look perfectly round when held In thehand settle down Into tim most decorous nndbecoming sanity when perched upon ti prettyhead 1 ho Japanese Ian hat Is I ono of tho mostcurious I rosembUs a palm leaf fan in shapewith the brim bunt round unit mooting nt thoback knits of ribbon oonconline o junctionJunctonof the two ends lImo ribbons foi in n kind ofIndder wIth n few loops Biirtuouutine the lintnnd into thio are fastened clusters of flowerswhich droop over tho brim tovvuid tho faceThriocornerod hall are ono of the noveltiesthough not among tho most recent1UE IWliltKX Of AltJLlTUDKA Womnn lay CURt It OQ or she MayLeant to Hear I Gracefullyfrom the st rant rtintfr irusIt h not nn oinRecrntlon to Bay that thoroare In Now York llterilly hundreds ofarr ow Yori 110t1 womenwho hnve becotuu slim and erui oful who weroformerly noted for excessive stoutness andwhl claim to hnvu Improved greatly In healthby the chance I Is also no exnggoiatlou toBat thai ol the lucre isme number of specialIts I who devolu themselves to the cure ot Ilelotobesity nud who have moro patients antiheavier incomes than the most noted prnotltioueiB in almost nny other btnnch of medicine thero are no two who ngree few whosemethods show nny approach to harmonyA woman who tin too much adipose tissuemay rIo it or sho may disguise it Timelittler process moqtii rca thu help i ot f no practitioner It is nobody business but your ownjust how much toll weigh A woman Is said tolo as old as she looks and there Is no reasonwhy she should not leckon herself no morefleshy than slit upi ears Mot corpulentwomen add from ten to lorty pounds to theirapparent size by improper dios und Impropernllarnt lrescarriage the Improler compress the waistcomlreviolently tliniBtliie tho flesh which no corsetcan annihilate up to oxneeernto tho bust amt idown to add piomhionce to tho tillS Is to makethe Hem I m u ns bail us It Is capable of being Ichallenges attention to tho exact moaurenient und more than that It makes the breath11Hhort tho hose led mid produces water sacsunder the ujesuulcr stout WOO should always wear whaton klolu as union undorearmintB suchus art made In onco piece from neck to heeliltt hug tho upper multi t of tho body closely andwith uouathers or bolts or folds at iho vnltline Ihu shatuloss ehemlso should bo nnabomination to her lidding bulk where hulk inthe least to b > desired A simple waist with afew light bone to support the bust should bosubstituted for the coisnt amid when u dres Isnssiimud it should never be a dros with Iclosellttlne basque MoBt fleshy women wearfull undereurmonls timid tight outside clothesItoverso the order Mnko tin underclothessmooth and trim lilting und then study unbiokon Binuothllovvlne lines for tIleeonns Tho body ol the Hoshy womanstires maY lit snugly In tho tack but Infront It should disguise the uctiial size of busttimid nbduniHii with lone and rather IQOO linesA bodice with jacket opening over n vestmakes u good street stjlo and if quite fulllleured tie vent should bo a full Fedora frontol I shrub or soft sill Tim woman whose figureIs bad cant nfloid to display It hhe must toneit down and modify It by studying the beautiful elicits possible to lousulrunted princessIOJPS She wants the longest lines mind slowest cuivi > rt In Outer lo Inducu tile bystanderview her flguru us a whole not In detailUnco diovud the llenhy woman must learnto walk it is rain to see n hal vomiian whoentries hsiself with physical rillnement liei tvviun bud drcs and stnmllneon the heels tIlendoincn islurenit I I Inio I i irommii nonce Tnkn unerect position then by u muscular effort liftthn t chist up ii ni d raw In tho nbdornen i ouwill Hud thut the i bin will i i go back In I placetlio hips will I turn Inward I and tIle shuns willHruUhtun Itself I I 1 all sui LIt the ono motion Now tpoise loi ward In I milking so ihnl I tie I vvelehtwill i eomo on ilio balls of the tent nnd HO that I iIi no fiom lliu i chest would touch tbo t toes I 1 ami Ivvlih n months I practice > ou cnu make > our Ipelf not a moro slender but u fur moiu dlguilied und S emil I y lleure rid of rut U bit riuilcuho h much for ariistlc leecrduinnln 11 the victim of adipose wishes lo eo further and Instead of covering up get lid of her pounds silohills before tier u fur moro severe course of discipline The first slop IH oajy She must bomui h In tile nj en iilr slm must abandon tierfear of lailod carpolHiinit lot tile minlleht IreelvInto her looms I If I sho can innnneo ll duringher sum ilitlici v neat Ion she in lint take sun tilths< liieknns aio I fattened I In I tho dark twilightupartmonts conduce lo obesityIlls ciisyto sivsho must oxerclso Thruare obesity specialists in New York who urnt rescrlblni walks of from n dozen to twenty Imiles u day lor I their patients which aro nodoubt useful to those wno aru physicallynblu to take them One or two of lliruaspecialists nro converts to the climbingcur nnd will domicile patients iou iiuigIhuSCatskllls this summer Insisting on regular uphill woik overv dny Ex > > rcis undoubtedly hat u betiulMnl effect ou curput nee especially when brick tin ougli to produce copious peisplrutioii Ii mid when loi Ilovvfd up by tIm bulb und vigorous rubbinghut leisurely exercise even when lone tntinned Id us likely to Increase nb to diminishcorpulence A canal bunt horse will gaIn fleshpulling heavily loaded boat against the current It allowed 10 walk and lose flesh drawingan empty one with tho stream If kiqit ut u trotTlie Severn uxercUos proscribed for men whome tiulnud for laces are out of tho question lormoat corpulent women but when the familyiihlMcinn line given usbUimco Unit I thorn IB I noheart ti on Its ii alit i with k lit ns iiuirlc I n pa i oI und ton fin Krint n dlstnncn its utrnnclh willpermit will benefit the health and loriu u valuable part ot u corpulency euroBut the main relianceof nearly nil systemsla the dlctutlo regimen The flesh has beenput on by eating and drinking end by eatIne toil ilrlnklne It must be removed Sensiblespecialists make tide a malter of a year or twoSears Instead of a few weeks or months asformerly thus disposing forever of the Btarvalion mire A woman whose tendency tooboMty has not become pronounced could probablynip bur sptendlne beauties MO to speak in huebud I y boycotting absolutely and forever allcandles tumid so far as possible all sugar Sheshould oat any meat or fish which mar suit herand vegetables except that she should bevery sparing of potatoiBand fruits But sheshould not cat puddings or putrr sukitltatlog for them fruits stowed without sugaror with very llttlo und jollies IDle should bo nllttlo cautious about biend preferring nrunkor n tousled sllcn to tho Iresh nitlclc Bhoshould cultivate n taste lor salads and credoslund It she oats oat meal ion her bronklimtehould take It In the Bcotch fashion with milkand ulllllc salt but without sugar hho shouldnot sweeten ton or coffee amid should try todrink them without milk Mio should not usemuch butter By adapting hcrsell ieriuanonllyto such n loglinon und Inking n Turkish bathtwice a month she would probably rout herarch enemyTim woman who Is nlroadvobofio will usuallyfind n moru rigid diet l no tt too severe A veryusual thou I ilcation ol hIt lbslelu svstoin proscribed for Ilo hy Now uric Is I about nsinllovvsAvoid the lijdrocarbonc thnt Is tutu Marchesund ouguiB but comfort youi belt for thu lit ISISlion by eating Int especially butler ns youplease Eat fat mont or lean meal ham porkor iamb trot any llsh deslrod Lut no potnlocSin nny form but nuballlulo puns bonusBplnncli nsi nrngus and eabbaco Do not antoatmeal or tiny other breakfast cereal Do notollon touch carrots beets or turnips Ho notbo afraid ot gritty Do not uso milk or tilttbo9cert Scott unsuenrod fruits und do notcult brend except In small nuiintltlo Eatthree meals n dny A typical bill ot faro fortwentyfour hours would rend ns followslliiiukfnst Ten orccflcuwithout tnllK orivuenrfggit 11 lila lull iiunntlly of blond buttendhtrnwboirlvB apples or Homo fruit unsweetened JhintierSoutu > nny moat plenty of vogetnbles with buttoi If liked except ns nbovoforbiddenIrodh fititt sour wltie Buppor Ionmeat or llsh a little bread cheese nay twleu aweek fruit Novel oat between mealsThis dint will reduce llosh without Impairingthe hoallh tnkiiie oir from twenty lo tucntvlive pnutidH In tilt course ot n year The antifat enthusiasts of whom there lire many nmonelilonnblo women go much boiond the Lbstein sybtem A regimen requiring some resolution to ndhero to is the onu llistglvon ns forinodornto corpulency but nllowlne only twoI Instead of hit eo tneiils n day llllflt lug iuti fourmeals but women aro Kenlots In some causeslilt most hpnrlun dint ndvocnted Is numberlour resorted to vvhnru an obstlnnlo case tailsto u lob to number three It nets tho limit ofmenlt her day to two but does not limit thonmount to bo oalon It conllnes thin food usstrictly as possible to nitrogenous elementsmind Is essentially n leanmeat cure it allows till loan uientB to be eaten nud allyllsh except snlmoii It forbids ton mind collooaltogether It forbids potatoes altogetherIrowntnu nlso on oatmeal rico tapioca A opens carrots anti beets it allows no breadunless once ii woek possibly no bulter no fatof any Kind To Iniiuliors for substitutes forbread anti potatoes It must bn answered thntcabbage spinach nspiirneus U tire the bestone can do Tenderloin steak Is tim fllamlbyaw chopped cabbage ono of the delicaciesrult outers largely Into tIle s > stem raw orBtewed wthout Biienr It IB good for n loss ofeight pounds u month or four pounds nt n InterpeiloJ Women who follow It combine thedieting with exercise mussneo dully bathsnod occasional Turkish baths and fall backon number one or two when nearly In fightingtrim Sour wines are always allowedWOIWN n no WAXT officeQuite a Pemlilent a Men but More Modet In Ihelr RequestsIfom trie InaianaimlU jMrnalWASHINGTON May 20Tiioro probablynever were so many women seeking ofllco InWashington as now Thoro is one unusualand noticeable feature about their ambitionshowever They never aim high Bo far asiagenerally known no woman lisa asked for aposition above n clerkship Most of them npplr for places through the Civil Service Commission and their ambition is about tbo size ofa llrstolnss clerkshipwhich pays 1000 n yearMost of thorn mire school girls and want placesbelow the clnsslflod list the position of copyistbolne the popular oneIho Government Printing Office and the Bureau of Engrnving and Printing furnish placesfor the gienlestnumburol women novvomployed hen Superintendent Porturopo tlioCenails Bureau a loss ueeks ago ho was besleeudwith members of the rentier sex who wantedplaces and ut times In tim day his oHIce lookedlike a reception lor n vvomanH ChrIstIan temperance union or some organization of thatcharacter 3Ir Porter Miouod the women nilduo consideration und when ho had places togive tendoiea them to women who were capable and deserving and who could tIll them usWell as menMrs J Ellen Foster Iowa the noted oratorwho look such nunullvepnrt In Iho lust campaign for Jon harm ison has cut n moiu prominent lleuro In the circle of ofllce seekers thanany other woman In ashlnKtousliuo the 4thof Mnieti last Hho does not seek 11 place forherself but wants her husband cUeu the vacant on thin Interhtato Commerce CommlsPlou Mrs Foster Is very shrewd und for awhile conducted a still Hunt with us great adegree ot success an any mnn SIlo Is not confluent that her husband will bo given preference howeverPresident Harrison Is called upon daily bywomen of all classes In tho single number andby doloeutionB but they almost Invariably aukion modoidte places Tho women who haveoflicial ambition have como to the conclusionthat success lies only in moderation At thecivil service headquarters it is said that Incollie of the Status n majority of tho applicantsfor olices who are certillud and are eligible forappointment are women Inn few Instanceswomen toelsturod timid certified for appointment have been selected under the bolluf that they wero moon and the olllcore In the Department calling forclerks have been surprised to hInd nwoman walk In amid present her appointment when u tItan wits expected to appear itIs oaTo to predict that the number of womennow employed In thin departments will steadilydecrease ns men are ulvvujs preferred Thewomen scant moie heaves of nb ence with paynnd require moie attention than the mn andthat is why tho superior officers prolor the malesex its clerksJheru bus been n steady diminution of thenumber of females emplojed In the Pensionllllleo during the pint three or four years andIt In 1 i mire Unit ono Is now given n poslllon Inthis branch judemunt In thu prlmaryquallllcathin and few women cnn lie trusted to lookinto n ease Involving judicial knowledgeEvery day one sees n goodly number ofwomen In the crowd which Hocks about theroom of list Assistant PoslmnslerCionernlClnrkson Most of thosu women come from ad distance in Bomo 1 Instances a thousand milesand they seek appointments as PostmlstreseslliClarksou bus uppoiuled a large numberthem but ho ulwnytt requires the resular politic nl endorsements as to quallllcatlon nud meritnnd tIle widows or orphans of oxUnionBnldlois are selected In almost every Instance A number of stories have gnnn therounds detnlllue bow women have piesnntodthemselves beloro Mr Clurkson amid by theirwlnsomne ways and glib tongues have securedappointments bill the very capable and businesslike Assistant PostmastoiOenornl saysthey are romance founded upon llctlon andthat wherever ho hn made the appointment ofa woman it can bo shown that she was endumedas strongly as n milan would huvo boon had theappointment cone lo the opposite BOXTho last prominent olllcesooklne Incidenton the part of n woman was conducted durInc tIle last Adnilnistintlon by Mrs V Cyhoinpson who wufliteli to be Postmistress atLouisville Ky She bvvopt everything nndevtrvbouiy helene hoi bhn came hero stoppedat tho Ibbltt House nnd by her fttrlklnelyhnndsomo nppciuance ant vvlnsomo muunersmade tIle honutoib nnd Kepresenlutlvos natonly Irom hor State but olliure do her biddingamid she won a vlcloiy which split the Democratic paris in Kentucky and threatened toturn tile State over to the liopubllcans oho Isexpected to come here ugaln soon nnd rot nneMimple for reprePontnlive ot bar BOX to totlow hue IH tin moot successful ofllce seekerthat has been In S nhlnuton for many nnisJust now Iubilo irlntuf 1almer has morncalls from women who vnnt Pla OH thnn nil ofthe other ofilcl ills combined He UH they ICUIIHO him morn trouble I 111111 all tho men usthey are persistent and usually dusurvingatzsa J3L1V 1II IS 1 Yf7IJtThe Former Pm rory GIrl Who In I a IlrnvTHiirciiliitor 4 lu S iirntZriiz Uc V4iuiiriii4ia tr4t lintI Miss lilvn ID Kcttliiir load I y to clmriffofrom n boar to n bull Whont wont go muchlovvor was the message received b > tIle reprusentutlvo of u Chicago commission house ontile Moor of the Minneapolis Chamber of LoinIiieico iilduvho IB Miss Blyn tiskod a gentleman whowns shown tIle messageflit tiiiinmhitr of Commerce man replied ntleneth Ol I lutu I the urn km lolesrams from thiCigIl hilts 3 finiiiMiith contain tin < nnmii of nJudy I n ct nub ti MUii l Ill y mi whuaii iliritl Ions ontin liouid I ol rudo In that city liuvu begun lontlruet moid thuii I locul utc > n > lon Whilo hiussBlrn U not thu only Judy who speculates InKrnin diets perhaps the only iou mine IhoUuyx of Ituth the gleaner who has gained suchwidespread fame In Hint linelilies Blrn WIIB originally n brlgliteyedfnciorr girl nt llockford III but becoming illsSuit lall id chttUBod her lot iou thnt nf 1 n trIllwriter In I tilt ttlndycity I i hllo I titt tine In I lintiniite t > in lIlt olliuof iiciiiliideiilirsl 10 tii iu miinnn In Inchluli2hi liii luiess tsnnhui lilli C heriiliicnilon in this Jbiu iti slit Iitiiiiy vve t liobuslnnsi on her own nccoiinl llnr I I I ruoiithin far hue been brloi but intuoi billliinl anJwith ono or tvvo more beu onn uu BUI cosslul nsthe lust one her name wenlth lund opinionswill bn hornldiid over the continent with asmucii familiarity as those ot Old HutchMiss Blyn U a lair medlum l7id womanand possesses figure that commands frontthe gentlemanly members of the lionrd ofJradu ns much ndmlrutlon ns do her clearbeaded and tjiim I Inr smi e II iii olin rat be s I > ntnt linnrd I That Bhuv ill ovciitundv I moot hervv ntorluo there Is no donl t but nt nirspnt huerides on the tip of the hlehast wave of successShe has a suite of elegant Offices and hasworked up a ccood clluntuee among the mainbers of her sex Her patrons come down Intile morning bringing thtlr work VThll abawatches the markets they while away the timeover bits of fancy work or discuss a thousandand one thlnes which are of Interest to thefomluino mind Tho pIcture that tier 011kpresents during the market hours rcemblesnn afternoon ten or nn Informal receptionmore thorn It duos a ninro whore wheat nndstocks are bought and Bold Hor style of dolug business her sraiom which has workedBuccosBfully no fur huts never been talked aboutmuch until the Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce niun got to talking Bho never cots excited and she coos in for ble prollts or nonotitle pills no attentIon to fractions of ncont Ibut holds on for lug fluctuations When tillSstarted it was In n Binull wny anti with her ownmoney but now she hns a heavy business lacommissionsSItu bus In the first place n thorough knowledge ot the Hliuntlou ns regards vvhoiit Inwinch sho deals chloilv Silo knows what Is thecondition of the crops what lit the acrongosown to wheat how ho I export trndn IB running end all the other details lth tills Inher mind sho makes an judicious a guess as shecnn bother wheat ought to go up or downMID does nol buy on nuy I Intuition but dtuiesout n biils ion her operations on cold facts andcommon sense And when she line onco tattleup bar mind Bho IB ready for business Hhocomplains that men are dull nnd that they gotexcited too easily and net too rubhly when Inthat conditionIf Miss Illyn thinks whentlsgolng advanceIn pi ice site buys u small I quantity Buy Cuuubushels She wnlchcu Iho market from thuttime on with the cool cnleulntlneern of nvetoman If the market drops Miss Blyn quitsright there Slit 5155151 mndu n mlstuko that time I will take thesmall kinsBut If the market goes up Bho buys morewhen thero Is 1 ClInt advance she doubles herllrst purchase If sIlo has bought oiilll ibushels at Hi emits Bho take lOoou when It IsHI cents and when It Is M cents she taken200UO moro However rapidly Iho murkotgoes up Bho holds bur nerves steady anti doesnot vary from her system hue HIIJB Bho doesnot want the earth lund when she bIts doubledlour or live times sho soil out till entire lotanti Is ilono trailing for that day If tho market sill grows Btrongor she does not mindthut Hho mluht got excited Ilko the men Itfilm varied troth hor rule and she simplywntehos tlio tiuolntloiiB nnilwnlls hho lookstile sitimatlomi over very cnrcfully nt the close ofbuslnecB for the day nnd makes up her mindwhether to bo u bearor u bull next dayHho sells on the slime principle nB tile buysIf she thinks prices will decline she sells asmall quantity If she WIIH mistaken slimpockets lion loss and cars nothing II silo wascorrect in her judgment BUD doubles the salefor each cent ot decline until sho has gone towhat she considers u judiciouslonglhnnil thenshe closes out She would rather loio on adonl of moderate proportions then close on nfractional innreln just because she believes inher system She IB after lurgo moneyThe pant year has boon a very profitable onofor Miss Hhn iho changes In tIle marketnave been such that her system has worked toblendvnnlneo und she bus been maklne largoprofits hupposo she had started last fall whenthe favorite option on wheat was Ml cents flliocould have worked this sjstem lo big profitWhent went upward pretty steadily until It Ireadied tl22 bile quit when it was severalpoints below highwater mark say nt11 > toil had n prollt then of 35 centsa bushel She did not lose her bend whenthe cereal went hieher nnd while the menwere shouting Ihemselves lionro with themarket nt n point that sot them all crazy MissDiva was sitting in her comfortable olllcerooms couiitlne up some hundreds of thouands prollts anti peronoly watching the anticsof the bulls end bonrs Vv hen the market begun to decline she WHB randy for It and begunBoiling She followed her policy way down until the market touched 70 cents and inst Frlthy tile wires told the men in the MinneapolisChamber of CommerceMiss Blyn is closing out and getting inshape to quitho closely has she followed the market andBO near right has she been during tho yearthat the men lu Minneapolis reasoned withthemsidves that wheat had about touched lowwlltr mark3IIBB Blyn was getting ready to change hertnctlcs and tilts was n vnltinblo pointerWill this syStem of tradIng bo safe In thelone run r was asked of the commission manIt Is all right for large lluciuuttonfl In themnrkot he said There are often weeks ormonths when the prices change only n fewcents In such times ns tbnt Miss Blrn mightpiny n loBlne game The pnst year has givenher big prollts in other years she might pinyu losing one 1mnll variations would workngutlnst her sytom There might bo monthswhoa she would Play n losing game every day5Are There None Hut lllond Angel tFrom Ike CMetfO TribuneBOSTON Jlny 2LA surprlslnpr amount offooling has been developed among the younewomen in society hero over the choice of tlrlflin ado recently to appear as twolvo uue < Is ofrru Aneohcout the much advertised ArtistsFestival Thu dozen fair dumsuls selectedwero nil blondes amid It Is tills point of complexion preferred that has given rise to n gooddeal of unpleasant controversy Why notbrunettes the dark maidens havo askedMay nut angels possess raven hair and o > oolike sloes hurely such discrimInatIon lu fuvor of iho light beauties Is unfnliBut tim comtnlttt0 lu charge bonded by MrOnueengigi declared that the typical angel ofpicturesque fancy was Invariably blond andnot ou any account to be represented otherwise So twelve maidens with vollow tressesand blue eyes wero picked out for tho celestlulbund to be dressed In mimycoloicd chitons ofGreek fashion und tho unanimous vordkt ofthe brunette section was that they were thehomeliest gIrls to be discovered in nil thefashlonablo Boston crowd Some went sofar us to uttribulo thin ill taste of the utidgeston passion for burlesque opera tile femaledivinities In which ns oor > body knows ereInvariably adorned with flaxen locks whetherb > equipment or by acquisition Ono Mvoetcreature did not hosltato to remark that theangel of Bciilpturo und minting WIIB Bimply afabulous bird alter ull Ilko the roc ot yindbadthe SuitorIt VVUN this yonne ludys brother bv the waywho cmi Id with a brutality I esu ii t lull y fratem minithat the notion of such n thing its it fumnlo nngel was entirely modern In this early part ottho Clirlstlnn urn he nvurrod tho uncoirormessengers were nil mules us is thu casewith the district telegraph service todayflout SluUnrtn Ilenutirut Modelmm the hllailelphla TimesTalking of plctuios recalls nn InterestingbIt of Information rognrdlnclthe Into Viennesemaster Hans Mnkart In couumrlne theworks of the groit painter otto cannot helpbelne struck with the locurrence nf twoBtutoly figures Uiiully tho ntot important oftim picture In his iJInnn his Charles VEntering Antwerp timid mnny others these figtires of surpassing benuty occur iiealn andagain TIle originals of tIm pictures are nowliving In Vienna They urn tho two daughtersof Horr Kllnkosch n iRudlng cold anti Ellvorsmith of Die city Kllnkosch the father Is anexport In his profession Most of his workconsists In designIng presents for the royalfamily nnd the Government as guts to foreignambassadors Mnkmt suits bis Intimate friendnnd receiving permission painted his dnuehlurs a H Urn hcuoiiicB of his great palming Instantly they became the rage anti tlm Viennesecourt usually BO punctilious regarding titlestlonBof birth freely welcomed thn beautiesimmortalized by tho brush of the painter Iti Is some years now SImile Mnkart died but theI beautiful Kllnko ch sisters although u littlelituS are Btlll seen lu Vienna society Theyare both unniutt tiedHue Onve Him n Curl and It 4tentnsFrfim the Albany Aryutno TOV May 2fi Kucha tiling no wcnrlnffdllleront sorts ol banes on various occasionIB common enoueh among girls your corrnMondent Is led lo believe And I this I reminds I111111 of u youne woman ho knows who affects agnml deal ol the luck of etntlin nt and excessively commonsense vvnys ImrnUorltlo otthe Boston girl One evening not long ago nyoung man whom idle cordially disliked hadboon I muktne I bur n vlsli I giishlneover us usualIn his ioimrsatlon with ill iot ho coin p1 ltmiuuitcAt length with nil ulr arid accent iloslunod to bequite I irresistible u I und heart crushing hi cubitJly sitar MliB 1 your hair Is l soImuiitlfulShould I bo venturing gross n llbertJ If Iboeeid > ou to glue me one little lock of it rNot ut nil Mr h lopllid thn lady In ainutlerolfuot tone 101 urn quite welcomeAnd I with 1 Hint she deliberate I V detiichod I Asmnll ourl from ubovo hnr plidc llttlo I I fur onthe left Hidi it unit grii tel V prosi > nted it linlrplnnnd nil tIm the I tn ibortu mutt t ilmlo Of f oonrn hetook It lie toiilti not tierceive that thoro wasnuythlngolbo to doTroubles ofu Hi > Mlcr lSttetiiesrttroll Ifir ibm tttfrrrtrAKlUnnt Rnlillii slnlloiif ut i4acketts liarlion but I 1 whiwas I at on ilino I dolne duty atI dumb I a 0 t wit lIe In I thn Inlicr I I placofell I inlot it with n t ouiie huh > htorn parents prevented tile marriiuo but Invo wits confltuntnnd tiller much cornpondcnco the younirItdyconsinlid lo go to hackittn Harbor tinsmeet und marry t lilt soldier 14 lie wile ii ti II Foilto t rat cii I tug unil WIIH cii m neil through to NowYork by mistake It took till her funds toriieh this t It I I i which she did I last night Sitetileernpi m < l lo t hnckntt s Harbor I I Btntlne I herI icdlciiiii nt to iim r lover vvlm Imniodlntelys in ci oney by tileerapb hn left un hueIP 1 I I intnleht lie girl ifibrlelit prettyii mid we iliessed I I anti bi > i amn n decldad fnvoriiev lib tlio railroad mon and reporters whoasiUtod her on her wayA Woman Uerover for Jietreynrrom the Omaha heraldDm MOINES In May 22In the Kunrpmofourt loduj the ease of Mnry L Balrd vs UW Hochnii was nllliuipdllm lotIon tIltS bioiirbt by nn unmnrruol w Minn lo Ill ver i r her own Mdwlion t which a its iiccOiiipllBhed by 1 sleinu rust lollof love and promlspH of muirluKO and netswhich Implied a prninlsoof murilago Thejudgment Is for Q76n On a former trial shesecured B verdict for I700U but the judgmentWM rTOXItd Xlj jputles sue van ptommsnVJ 2b1af7f3a8