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Fruit are large (22-26 g) and somewhat egg-shaped, with flatshoulders and a round tip. The thin skin is bright red changing to dull red atmaturity (Plate 1). Protuberances are hair-like/sharp-pointed when the fruit areready to harvest. Fruit are not of good quality until fully mature. Flavour issweet-acid when immature, sweet when fully ripe, and bland when overripe. Fleshis slightly chewy becoming moderately crisp when fully mature. Seeds are medium,giving a fair flesh recovery of 60 to 70 percent. Up to 50 percent of fruit havechicken tongue seeds, depending on the season. Fruit often split or brown in hotdry weather.
The heart-shaped fruit are medium (20-22 g) and formed inlarge compact clusters (15-30 fruit). The purplish red skin is thin and soft andprone to insect attack, and has a distinctive suture line. Shoulders are wideand even. The skin is smooth, with no raised protuberances. The flesh, whichseparates easily from the seed, is sweet, crisp, slightly aromatic and ofexcellent quality. Seeds are medium and fully developed, giving a flesh recoveryof 68 to 76 percent. Fruit are exported from China. “Haak Yip” can bedistinguished from the related “Souey Tung” by its slightly latermaturity, even shoulders, obvious suture line, firmer flesh and more uniform andslightly larger seeds. Both are good marketing types when grown well.
“Brewster” was obtained from Fujian bythe Reverend W. M. Brewster and propagated in Florida in 1903. It was also sentto Australia, but is not popular. In 1948, W. Groff suggested that“Brewster” was, in fact, the recognized Chinese variety “ChenZi” (“Chen Family Purple”) and recent information indicates thatthey are the same cultivar. Production in Australia has been disappointing,whereas in Fujian, trees grown along the rivers yield consistently, with a highproportion of small seeds. Fruit with chicken tongues shed more readily underdrought or heat than those with full seeds.
Trees are small and upright, with wide, strong crotch anglesand dense foliage. “Brewster” is one of the few cultivars withdistinct lenticels or corky outgrowths on the branches. Leaflets are large, darkgreen and pointed at the tips. The new flush of growth is reddish-brown. Themedium to large fruit (20-26 g) are heart-shaped and have a bright pink-red,thick, rough skin, and are borne in small loose clusters. The shoulders areuneven, with one raised ridge along the suture line of the shoulder. The fruittip is round in full seeded fruit to pointed in chicken tongue fruit, and havesmall nipple-form protuberances. The flesh is slightly fragrant, juicy and sweetwhen fully ripe, but acid when immature. Seeds are small to medium, with up to80 percent undeveloped after cool weather. Plump seeds are oblong with a blunttip. Flesh recovery is 65 to 75 percent.
The small (16-18 g) rounded fruit are formed in small looseclusters. The skin is deep red (Plate 2). Shoulders are flat, although oftenridged on one side along the suture line. The skin is of medium texture (lessrough than “Haak Yip”). The flesh is soft, very juicy and sweet. Mostseeds are fully developed giving a flesh recovery of 63 to 73 percent. Althoughfruit have full flavour, their large seeds and soft flesh reduce eating qualityand price in Asia compared with “Haak Yip”, “Kwai May Red”and “No Mai Chee”.
Fruit are normally large (28-32 g) and round to slightlyheart-shaped. The skin is thin and soft, deep red with yellow markings (not asprominent as Salathiel). Shoulders are flat and the fruit tip round. Skinsegments are swelling with obtuse protuberances. Flesh is moderately juicy,remaining acid when fully ripe. Seeds are nearly all large, giving a fleshrecovery of 60 to 70 percent.
“Shahi” (“Muzaffarpur”,“Rose Scented”) is the most popular cultivar in Bihar, and can also befound in other parts of India, as well as in Bangladesh. Fruit are medium (20-25g), oval-shaped with crimson-red skin. Flesh is juicy, sweet and fragrant. Seedsize is variable. Yields are heavy and regular, with large trees carrying 100 to150 kg of fruit early in the season. However, they often crack.
Fruit are medium (18-22 g), and round, with very rough thickskin. The skin changes from yellow to yellow-pink to orange-pink with maturity,with some green on the shoulders (Plate 3). Fruit are over-mature when fullycoloured. Shoulders are usually flat, but one is sometimes raised along thesuture line. Flesh is firm, crisp, sweet, juicy and aromatic. Fruit are sweetwell before full maturity. Seeds are variable, with up to 70 percent chickentongues. Flesh recovery is 67 to 77 percent. Fruit are exported.
Fruit are small (15-18 g), egg-shaped to ball-shaped in coolerareas, and borne in small loose clusters. The skin is thick, moderately roughwith prominent markings. The skin changes from blotchy-yellow to deep red atmaturity (Plate 4). The fruit tip is obtuse changing to round in cooler areas.Flesh is thick, crisp, juicy and very sweet. Fruit are sweet long before theyare fully coloured. Most fruit have chicken tongue seeds, giving a fleshrecovery of 76 to 80 percent. Occasionally, fruit can be almost seedless,although these fruit are very small and unmarketable. Fruit attract a high pricein domestic markets and are also exported to Asia. 2b1af7f3a8