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Sinceits release in October 2009, "NFB Films" has been largelysuccessful. By June 1, 2010 the NFB app for the iPhone had beendownloaded more than 235,000 times, with 821,000 film views(Lavender). In June 2010 the NFB released "NFB Films for iPad",a free application for the iPad, which offers similar access to thedigitized film collection, with added features such as split-screentechnology allowing users to browse video and related contentsimultaneously.
Whenthe project started in 2006, it only featured stories in the publicdomain in an effort to adhere to copyright legislation thatspecified: "reading, recording, and distributing the audio of acopyrighted story requires permission from the publisher and author,unless the clip is less than three minutes in length" (Jeske 3). Soon after, the DPL took steps to offer access to stories outsidethe public domain by obtaining permissions from publishersindividually. This effort was somewhat successful: severalpublishers responded, and permissions were obtained to offer accessto titles as long as attribution was specified with each podcast. The collection has grown to more than seventy stories which areavailable for free download and private use. 2b1af7f3a8