The Second Wife (1998)
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At the age of 86, Elfriede Geiringer was just beginning to do so.Housing a triple-barreled generation of retirement, she stillfound time to read a monthly copy of the Los Angeles Times thatshe had delivered to the hotel for nearly seven decades. Shegot her pension and her Social Security, but the pension wouldlast only a few years. In 1992, her second husband, Otto, alreadyin his 80's, died. The annual income of the couple's two sonshad dwindled. As Elfriede struggled through her final years withalzheimer's disease, alone in a large apartment in a Londonhospital, she was the beneficiary of millions of dollars inSocial Security payments. According to the New York Times, itseems that her children and grandchildren are certain that she wasbereaved of her three husbands. According to Elfriede, however,she and Otto had only been in each other's company for a fewyears, and were married for only 14 months. Their marriage gaveher five children, she said, and she was happy with Otto, who wasa successful real estate developer. Some of her children andgrandchildren continue to live in Germany, and some of them havea home in Los Angeles. She said that she knew of none of themen she had been married to. One of the men, she told me, mighthave been her first husband, a wealthy, cruel man who struck heron the street in Germany. She said that he had died in 1941.
Wolf was a fascinating character. We all considered him a bearwhen he got mad--even his wife and daughter did, and Otto, whowas a bit of a ladies' man himself, liked to tease his brotherabout it. But Wolf didn't get mad often. Maybe once every fewmonths. He never lost control.
After her death at age ninety-two, Elfriede was even moreof a legend than she'd been during her life. Her books, herunpublished works, her memoirs--all of it became bestsellers.The biggest name on Elfriede's list in 1998 was The Ruthless
Shopper, by William O'Connor. Written in protest against theNew York Post's sexually explicit supplement of the same name, thebook sold 30,000 copies in hardcover within its first year.
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