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For the second season, Gonzo again partnered with Studio Tori (which had done backgrounds for Gonzo's Godzilla 2 and Pacific Rim films). They had access to the limited team of artists from the second season, but made extensive use of the background team from the first season. Gonzo's new director, Kazuyuki Kurahashi, spent more time watching the scripts than editing the anime. This resulted in a cleaner product. He also decided not to interfere with the background animation, allowing it to remain in the original style. This resulted in the first season's backgrounds looking significantly older than the rest of the series. Because Gonzo was going for a more aged look, the team tried to make the backgrounds more abstract, with less detail. Like in the first series, the backgrounds were also used for character layouts, this time by an in-house artist rather than an external company. The backgrounds were designed by Studio Tori co-founder Yonezawa Yuki, who also did the backgrounds for Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann and the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann video game.
The Power Rangers used their technology to fight a new group of villains, the Galvanax Army, who had their own version of the Zeo Power Rangers. The Zeo Rangers were eventually able to defeat Galvanax and his minions, but the battle left all four Rangers in a coma. Zordon and Dr. Anton Zeo revived them using their technology, allowing them to fight an even more powerful group of villains, the Shaddrax, who sought to conquer Earth. The Zeo Rangers and Power Rangers fought together, and destroyed the Shaddrax. In gratitude to the Power Rangers for their help, Zordon promoted them to Power Rangers.[16][17] 827ec27edc